
Former PhD students
Name Title Dissertation topic
Dr. R&D management in corporate networks - An integrated concept for optimising network performance using the example of the aerospace industry
Dr. Explanatory models of knowledge split and distribution in companies in the context of individual benefit maximisation - presentation based on case studies
Dr. Patent protection in cross-company innovation cooperations - strategic function, contractual design and effects on the cooperative innovation activity of companies
Dr. Development of a dynamic model for the system-oriented evaluation of product development with regard to dimensions, effectiveness and efficiency
Dr. The Influence of Micropolitics on the Product Development Portfolio of Technology-Intensive Firms - A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Dr. Information and knowledge in complex, cybernetic systems - knowledge management in the field of tension between people and information technology
Dr. Internationalisation of technological service innovations in the capital goods industry
Dr. Influence of "Communities of Practice" on the knowledge culture using a case study
Dr. Distributed Product Development - A Multi-Case Analysis of Task and Role Perceptions in Headquarters-Location Relationships
Dr. Developing innovative capacity in companies - breaking down technical language barriers in the intraorganisational transfer of knowledge between the technology and market-related areas of companies
Dr. Dynamic Relational Capabilities (DRC) for inter-organisational knowledge transfer and competitiveness in companies
Dr. Challenges and strategies in the implementation of UI research collaborations. Examination of a case study
Dr. Social business platforms in globally distributed product development projects - A multi-level analysis of the contribution of social business platforms to overcoming communication-related barriers to innovation in a case study
Dr. Knowledge transfer of corporate culture-induced actors - A multidimensional analysis of corporate culture as an influencing factor for the successful transfer of knowledge in companies
Dr. Service-oriented design - repercussions of the design of service-based business models on the design of capital goods
Dr. Development of a concept for the management of highly qualified human resources using the example of dual career couples
Dr. Foresight and planning of new technology paths in companies
Dr. External Knowledge Integration and the Not-Invented-Here Syndrome: An Empirical Analysis of the Reduction of Negative Attitudes Towards External Knowledge in an Organisational Context