Cross-site R&D collaboration

  • Startdate:

    June 2019

  • Enddate:

    December 2019

Motivation & Objectives

Dynamic markets and increasing interdependencies present companies with the challenge of coordinating their cross-location activities. In view of the trade-off between global integration and regional responsiveness, the question arises as to suitable organizational structures, coordination mechanisms and communication methods for cross-location cooperation.

Theaim of this working group is the joint development of approaches for effective and efficient networking in cross-site R&D cooperation. Thus, a systematic reduction of typical barriers in cross-site collaboration shall be achieved.

The Chair of Innovation and Technology Management (iTM) researches the conditions for the emergence and effects of innovations in companies, with a particular focus on knowledge management and corporate networks.



- Five workshops with keynote speeches and moderated working groups
- 8-10 participants from industry

Course of the workshops:

Possible focus topics

The workshop topics are selected in consultation with the participants at the kick-off.


- Headquarters-location relationships

  • Balance between centralized control and decentralized autonomy
  • Site selection, site roles and site development
  • Role and appearance of the headquarters


- Expert networking in global companies

  • Knowledge transfer with high expertise and specialization
  • Exchange platforms (communities of practices, network meetings)
  • Knowledge transfer from experts to day-to-day business


- Best practices transfer: approaches & methods

  • Tools for harmonization and standardization of processes
  • Design of two-way knowledge transfer between sites
  • Taking into account and addressing decentralized initiatives


- Management of distributed teams

  • Delegation and consolidation of subtasks
  • Leadership concepts and leadership culture
  • Best practices in project organization



June 2019: Kick-off; half-day, location: KIT

July 2019: Workshop 1; full day, location: host company 1

September 2019: Workshop 2; full day, location: host company 2

Nobember 2019: Workshop 3; full day, location: host company 3

December 2019: Final workshop; half-day, location: KIT



Do you still have questions or would you like to register? Feel free to contact us: Fanny Seus