Objective: The goal of the ErkenntnisTransferInitiative (eti) project is to (1) identify potentials of basic research for application-oriented research or commercial implementation and (2) transfer industrial problems and requirements into basic research. The project aims to promote and force knowledge transfer as a cooperative research between industry and academia to ultimately translate scientific results into commercially viable applications. Science benefits from the project by building up know-how regarding the identification of important future fields and lead markets. The mutual linking of scientific and industrial requirements enables the successful transformation of technologies into applications. The ErkenntnisTransferInitiative (eti) project is ultimately intended to trigger the institutionalization of a knowledge and technology transfer between science and industry. To this end, the projects involved in the priority program InnoMagTec (SPP 1168) are to be examined with regard to their innovation processes, and derivations for the promotion of knowledge transfer with internal and external actors are to be made and implemented. Furthermore, the transfer of knowledge will be assessed and institutionalized in an inductive way by evaluating national, European and international knowledge transfer projects. The institutionalization shall have the main objective to transfer basic research more efficiently into application-oriented research and industry (SMEs, MNEs, etc.) as well as to address problems that require a complement to basic research.
Approach: In the project different objectives are pursued, which can be divided into four areas, (1) analysis, (2) conception (3) implementation and (4) monitoring: In the area of analysis the effects of knowledge transfer in the national, European and international context are to be analyzed. In the conception, the goal is to build on the analysis accompanying the individual projects of the SPP InnoMagTec and the SPP InnoMagTec as a whole to design communication strategies to promote mutual understanding within the projects and the SPP InnoMagTec and between the SPP InnoMagTec and external actors. The implementation aims at the use of a transfer agent adapted to the SPP InnoMagTec as well as the discussion of the institutionalization possibilities of the transfer agent beyond the individual projects and the SPP InnoMagTec in order to be able to transfer the findings into future projects. Another goal is to monitor the interaction and transfer strategies and to generate knowledge on the long-term effects of the use in individual projects and the InnoMagTec SPP as well as on the evaluation of success. For this purpose, indicators are to be determined and their use is to be tested.
Duration: April 2008 - September 2010.
Publication: Weissenberger-Eibl, M./Spieth, P./Koch, D. (2009): Magnesium Roadmapping and Network Analysis - The Case of the Magnesium Community of German Researchers and Business Representatives, Results from "Erkenntnis-Transfer-Initiative" of DFG SPP 1168, in: Kainer, K. U. (Ed.): magnesium 8th International Conference on magnesium Alloys and their Applications, Weinheim 2009, pp. 1211-1216.