Concept for increasing the proportion of female students in the industrial engineering program at the University of Kassel
The project "Structural Equal Opportunity: Princess in Overalls - Concept for Increasing the Proportion of Female Students in the Industrial Engineering Program at the University of Kassel" aims to enhance the image of technical and scientific degree programs - especially industrial engineering - among adolescent girls in order to increase the proportion of female students in these subjects at the University of Kassel in the long term.
Two fields of activity result from the project objective:
- Accompanying scientific study
The planned practical concept is to be preceded by a scientifically based strategy paper. This includes, among other things, a state of the art analysis of the STEM subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) and technology) with regard to the gender-specific number of students in Germany in comparison to the University of Kassel. Different measures already implemented at other universities are to be examined, evaluated and included in the concept development.
- Institutionalization of the project at the University of Kassel in the form of the "Princess in overalls" campaign
The institutionalization of the project is to be implemented as part of a multi-stage campaign. The three-part package of measures includes visits to defined target high schools in the North Hesse region, a return visit to the University of Kassel by the defined target groups, and a joint company visit. The institutionalization is supported by accompanying communication measures such as the distribution of flyers and a website.
The project will be worked on in the period between 01/2010 and 02/2013.