
The creation of a meta-roadmap for materials science and materials technology in Germany pursues various goals. In particular, the focus is on coordinating joint research topics and improving networking between scientists, companies, funding institutions and politicians. The joint development of roadmaps makes it possible to build a bridge between application-oriented research and basic research and promotes cooperation between researchers from different disciplines. Furthermore, white spots, future trends and lead markets with the need for targeted funding are identified. In cooperation with the working group, competences are also bundled and the efficiency and future orientation of the individual specialist societies is increased.



Within the project, a meta-roadmap will be created to establish connections between materials and applications. On the one hand, a distinction is made between the different classes of materials; on the other hand, markets and fields of application are summarized that have specific requirements for materials. Roadmapping makes it possible to identify specific research needs from the requirements that will be placed on specific materials in the future. In addition, promising areas of application for new materials are identified.

© Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marion Weissenberger-EIbl


© Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marion Weissenberger-EIbl

An German, European and international level there are many different roadmaps and strategy papers. Be it from the technology platforms EUMat, the European technology platform of the steel industry, from the research agenda surface and many other initiatives. The aim of the project is to integrate these different papers and, building on them, to explore interesting new topics through interviews and workshops.


© Univ.-Prof. Dr. Marion Weissenberger-EI


The structure is characterized by the three levels "market and application fields", " discovery fields" and "material classes". The goal of the roadmap creation is to identify interesting topics within the levels and to create connections between these levels.